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I Don't know what Career I Want. Let’s Figure this Out

Are you at this stage of your life when you have this thought in mind “I don’t know what career I want”? If yes, then let me help you guide on how to find the job of your dreams.

Normally, this thought is a common phenomenon for a person in their 25. The reason is that we don’t brainstorm about our career at the very start and later we end up with something we either don’t like or don’t want. Another person who thinks a lot about this is one who is facing some midlife career crisis.

 If you are a person who thinks that your job is not the right one then you can think of making some career changes. However, if you are unhappy with the job then you can get job satisfaction.

How to find the job of your dreams? Follow 4 Methods 

Method No.1 Sit back and Do Your Self Strength Analysis

To know what career choice is right for you, all you have to do is to ask yourself some questions such as:

What my talent is? It could be art, craft, music, cooking, programming, etc 

What I’m good at? You might be good at math, then think of becoming a math teacher or a job where you can be a problem-solver

What I’m passionate about? Your passion could be music, makeup, blogging, streaming, web development, graphics, video creation, games, writing, and the list goes on.

Main Idea: Know all about your talents, skills, strength, and expertise and then choose a career where you can make the most of it. In simple, make money from anything you are good at.

Whenever you are at a stage of your life when you are stuck and saying I DO NOT KNOW What CAREER I WANT. worries less and take some career tests and quiz

A personality test helps you understand what your strengths are.

I will recommend two tests that I tried myself.

On the other hand, a career quiz helps you get an answer to the question of how to find my dream job. This quiz lets you better assess your career and make it easy for you to get clear ideas about different jobs in Pakistans which you can list under your dream jobs. 

My recommendations for Career Quiz are:

MAPP Career Assessment 

My Next Move O*NET Interests Profiler

Method No.2 Analyze your Past Work

Another way to the job of your dreams is to analyze your past job in Pakistan, along with other related characters of your job. Here again, you will ask some questions from yourself and then try to make sense of every response you get.

How was the work environment?

What things I like and don’t like about my coworkers?

What Things Do I love my job?

When I enjoyed the happiest time on my job?

When did I felt proud of my job?

What were my accomplishments?

What I don’t like about my past job?

Writing down answers from all those questions will make it easy for you to evaluate your past job.

 For example, if you are a banker who doesn’t like to work in the account section then you don’t like your job. No matter how good your coworkers are and how great the environment you are working in, nothing would make you happy. Check some advanced banking interview questions with answers, just in case you are looking for new bank jobs Pakistan.

Even when your manager applies job enrichment theory to keep you motivated on the job, it won’t bring any fruitful results.

Not satisfied with your current job roles? It’s time to learn two more methods on how to find your dream job.

Method No.3 Follow your Heart

If you are a person who followed his parent's guidelines about career and not your heart then some point in your life, you will regret this decision. Our parents and society are great influencers, especially when comes to jobs in Pakistan.

Parents want their kids to become either doctors or engineers. These are two common choices. A lot more career choices are as lucrative as other healthcare jobs in Pakistan.

For example, a person who knows about marketing can make the most from local and digital marketing jobs in Pakistan.

What do you need to do? Do Whatever you Love. Follow a Career whose job path will Make you Happy. Don’t look at your Parents, look at your Self and Heart.

 If you like to play games, then go and find a career related to games. If you like to cook and try new recipes then there are tons of Pakistan hotel jobs waiting for your applications.

Method No.4 Learn New Things and Then Earn

In case you know what your talent is and what you are good at then the next thing to do is to take classes to learn more in that particular subject. LEARN MORE to EARN MORE

For example, if you like to teach other people then government teaching jobs in Pakistan can be your next career stop. But to qualify at the government level, you must have to complete some teaching certifications. Read teacher job requirements online. These requirements help you understand, what is a must to become a government teacher in Pakistan.

In case you have all the required qualifications, the next thing to do is to apply for teacher jobs in Pakistan. To stand out from the crowd of tons of candidates, you can prepare yourself ahead with teacher job interview questions and answers.


Wrap up:

I’m sure after trying these methods, you won’t say anymore I Don’t Know What Career I want because finally, you know how to find the job of your dream. Am I right? If you have any other proven method, feel free to share it with us. Don’t forget: SHARING is CARING.

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