How Can I Achieve an Ideal Work-life Balance? Try 7 Proven Ways
posted:4 years agobyMarry JoJoin Work Life
You can relate to a normal life situation when you get complaints from your loved ones that you are not giving them enough time. While it’s not completely true, you are doing your best to complete work at time and then to get back to your normal life.
Putting your whole focus only on your career might help you get successful but you might end up alone and without any good relationship. Therefore, what is required from you is to achieve a work-life balance.
In today’s article, I would like to share some ways through which you can balance your work and life in the most effective manner. So, let’s start unlocking every way one by one.
Stick to your Working Hours
If you are the kind of person who doesn’t care about the time of the day and does his official work then it’s time to rethink. You must have clear working hours. If you keep bringing your work at home, then your whole focus is back only on work.
It will be very hard for you to prioritize other personal activities. So, avoid bringing work at home or even if you do that stick with your routine working hours.
Make a Work-Life Balance Calendar
Breaking down all your personal and professional activities in the form of a calendar is going to help you create a good work-life balance. In that calendar, you will plan ahead of time. Mark special family days like birthdays, upcoming events, anniversaries, so you can easily meet your family commitments.
If you mark your calendar with special family days, you will get an alert on that special day. In this manner, you won’t experience any complaints or end up feeling bad about your relationship. Likewise, if there is an important meeting then you can’t plan a doctor’s appointment on the same day.
Try to Achieve a Realistic Work-Life Balance
Many people get work-life balance in the wrong way. They try to break their full day into two equal halves while that’s not possible in the real world. Somedays, your family needs more time than your work and vice versa.
So, work life balance means trying to be available at the right place at the right time. It’s not like you leave an important meeting and run from office to work just to complete a less-important home task that can wait.
Set your Priorities
It means deciding what is important and what is less important. You can categorize your home and office tasks on priority basis like urgent and important, important but not that urgent, urgent but not very important, etc.
The main idea here is to tell your mind what you need to do right away or what to do later. If you follow that approach then you won’t experience job burnout. This method lets you keep stress or panic attacks away from your life.
Health Comes First
If you are the kind of person who doesn’t like to take sick leave because work is always a top priority then it’s quite hard for you to achieve work-life balance. You can’t be productive at work if you are not feeling well.
Give yourself a break, when you are sick. Take a day-off so you can energize yourself. Read why to give importance to your physical and mental health.
In case you are experiencing depression or chronic illness, you better find a cure for it. Meditation helps you unwind yourself and remain stress-free.
However, when depression is causing you feeling bad about your job or life as-a-whole then it’s a red signal you should pay quick attention to. If you don’t then it will disrupt both your personal and professional life in a way you never wanted to.
Understand your health demands and act accordingly.
Get a Job You Love
I was watching a real-life story of a 24-year old girl on BBC yesterday. In that story, that girl was doing a job she doesn’t love. She doesn’t like to get back to work and it’s like a lot of burden. That job is draining her positive energy. Finally, she got a break from her job and during that break she wondered a lot about her life and career. That break from work helped her realize the real-potential of her. So, you can follow her. Here are some tips to find a career that fits with your personality
You can do the same, if you don’t love your job. Finding your dream job might take some time and energy but at the end the whole effort is totally worth it. Most of us do a job to make money only. But when we do what we love then the job becomes interesting. You enjoy your time in the office.
Must Read:
I Don’t Know What Career I Want, Let’s figure this out.
How to Choose a Career Path that lead you find a dream job
Doing a job you hate makes you feel bad or negative. You often bring negative energy back to home and it’s how you affect the quality of your life.
Opt for Digital Detoxification
Digital world never sleeps and keeps us engaged. These days, people take a break from work and check their emails or funny videos. However, it’s not a productive break.Know the benefits of taking break from Screen.
The real break from your work is to:
read a book
spend quality time with a person who lifts you up
Plan a meet up with like-minded business person
Meet your client in a cafe or restaurant
If we talk about a mindful break then it means spending time away from your home and office at a popular tourist place. Plan your family and friend vacations once a month at-least.
Wrap up
You can achieve a work-life balance effectively only when you remain realistic about your ideal work-life balance, set some life priorities and stick to your working hours. Your health should be your top-priority because you can’t fulfill any official or family commitment when you are sick.