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Exit Interview Questions New Zealand

Do you think that job interviews only happen for new applicants? Have you heard about an exit interview?. Do you want to know the purpose of this meeting? In brief words, an exit interview happens when an employee wants to leave the job. To get more hints about professional exits, keep reading this article. It’s 5 minutes long.

What is an Exit Interview?

exit job interview in NZ

There are many types of job interviews. Employers from various professional fields usually employ job interviews to select the appropriate candidate. But, sometimes, there are more reasons for interviewing an employee who is already in the position. To understand the meaning of an exit interview, you should know when does this interview happen? To whom? And for which reason?

An exit interview is simply an interview targeting employees leaving work, be it after a resignation, a career change, or a termination process. Since many employees might get interviewed in the mid or at the end of their careers, they should expect an exit interview that will finalize their professional commitments:

Before negatively taking this meeting, you should visit Fratres, to clear out false assumptions and myths about any professional rumor. Fratres is a job portal with career advice that can help you develop your knowledge in the professional field.

 In New Zealand, an exit interview is optional to investigate the employee's departure. This interview usually includes three sections:

-Questions related to the employee's departure: employers want to know the reasons for the departure. In case of termination, they want to know if there are any objections to the firing process.

-Questions related to payment, training, performance rates, and benefits: employers want the employees' expectations of final merits. They can also go back to all the agreements arranged in the initial contract. Take a look at; Best Part-time Jobs Anyone Can Do in New Zealand

-Questions related to the work culture and policies: employers want to know the employee's reaction towards specific terms and conditions. They might consider changing some professional policies if the majority of employees are not coping with it.  What are the 20 Highly demanded Job Roles in New Zealand? Check them out! 

Benefits of an Exit Interview

exit interview reasons

An exit interview has many advantages for both employers and employees. It is a meeting that assesses the working conditions, policies, and payment. Although some employers dispense with this interview, they didn’t realize the benefits emanating from this process:

1.Keeping an excellent professional image: an exit interview is a diplomatic way of highlighting the cons and pros of the offered position. Since the employee will no longer be in the team. He/ She will offer an honest review about the job experience, work environment, and salary.

2. Recognizing the employee's services: in case of a career change, employers will express their satisfaction with this employee for that period of activity. They can help in the transition process by referencing the new employers and keeping the bridge open for the next candidacy.

3. Reviewing the internal rules, opting for changing them: an exit interview can be an occasion to review the work policies and see whether they are too hard to stick with. Employers use this interview to know what irritates this employee and push him/ her for departure.

4.Investigating conflicts and problems: this interview can provide more details about the issues happening within the team. Employers can evaluate the situation and seek to fix the problem by eliminating the troubling parties. Here is  How to Prevent Workplace Bullying in New Zealand?

5.Restoring the equipment: many professional sectors grant equipment and tools to employees. Employers can request returning the company’s tools and equipment.

Exit Interview Common Questions :

exit interview questions

When an employee is planning to leave the job, there must be some steps taken before the process:

-Notifying managers about quitting the job: this can be through a resignation letter.

-Returning the company’s tools, badges, equipment

-meeting employers/ managers for an exit interview. Here are sample questions:

-Why are you leaving your current position?

This question is about the reasons for leaving the job. The answer depends on the employee’s reasons, such as; not coping with colleagues, applying for another job, having personal problems such as health issues, financial troubles, etc.…  

-Would you reapply after taking a break?

In case of personal troubles or a long-term break, managers ask this question to know whether this employee will quit in a quick way or for good. The intention of reapplying again to the same position will make employers consider a comeback. Accordingly, they can write in a job offer to look for a new applicant replacing the employee for a specific period. If your answer is yes, you should specify when you would reapply again.

-Would you suggest your position to one of your colleagues? Do you see someone else matching the requirements?

This question helps employers to find the appropriate replacement for their position based on your recommendation. Your answer depends on your network. You can justify your suggestion of this specific person and ensure that employers can tackle the roles and have already experience in your position. This question is not for entry-level employees. So if you are quitting your first job, you will not be asked to recommend taking your job.

-Any difficulties/ problems faced during your work with us?

This question belongs to the 3rd section of exit interview questions. As an employee, you are supposed to give an honest review of the work policies/ conditions and describe any difficulties or problems. Your answer can contribute to changing the policies, especially if it coincides with the review of many colleagues.

To sum up, an exit interview is a meeting involved during the employee’s departure. This process has many advantages and should not be viewed negatively.


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