This Year Will Be The Year of CV.
posted:3 years agobyAwatef Hamdiin CVs
A CV is an important document for professional and academic purposes. A CV in Ireland has certain distinguishing features from the rest of European CV. If you are interesting in developing a job winning CV, check out this article:
CVs in Ireland:
Ireland recruiters insist on receiving a professional CV. Since applications are in thousands rate, they use certain selective software to filter out the mailbox. As a result, your first mission is to write an ATS software friendly CV. Your CV should meet the European standards to become suitable for the field of Application. For this matter, Fratres will reveal to you the current CV characteristics in Ireland. If you are interested in employment there, sign up to Fratres.
How long is an Irish CV:
It depends on your professional history. For entry-level applicants, a CV is a single page length. For experienced ones, a CV should not exceed two pages. Through your CV size employers can tell whether you are an experienced applicant or an entry-level applicant. Both CVs include professional details, highlighted in the following order;
-Name and Contact information
-Date of birth, age
-Marital status
-Social media accounts
-A Personal profile:
-Employment history/ Work Experience
-Interests/ Hobbies
Personal details in Irish CV:
For Irish recruiters, your personal details can tell whether you are suitable for the job. Some professions require age limited applicants. Others require single applicants. That's why it’s essential to put your date of birth and marital status in a CV.
1.Personal Profile:
Writing a personal profile is equivalent to providing a personal introduction. Your profile should not exceed 5 sentences. It is a summary of your education, training, and employment, adding certain personal traits. here is an example:
A motivated, creative Sciences Teacher, with 3 years of experience, and considerable teaching qualifications, applying for this teaching position, with the aim to fulfill the educational curriculum and contribute to the success of the current academic year. Take a look at; How Getting Started Is Going To Change Your Business Strategies.
For both experienced and entry-level applicants, key skills are placed after the personal summary. It usually includes two types of skills:
Job-related skills: they are also defined as hard skills. These skills are specific for the target job and have nothing in common with other professions. As an applicant, you can select these skills from the requirements listed in the job description.
Transferable skills: these skills are a combination of soft skills, and the skills developed from previous experiences. These skills can be personal and should also meet the requirements of your current job.
3. Work experience/ Employment History:
Irish people sometimes refer to this section as employment history. This section includes all your professional experiences. The description of this section includes the following details:
The job title with capitalized letters.
-The period of activity ( the start and finish date)
-The workplace address
-The name of the previous employer.
You also have the choice to describe the main tasks of your previous jobs. The mentioned positions should be ordered from the recent employment to the oldest one.
Degrees are very essential in recruitment. For Irish employers, qualifications determine your eligibility for the job. To describe your academic fulfillment you should write the following;
-start with the recent degree
-write the educational institution from which you have obtained your degree.
-write the date of graduation, including evaluation notes and majors.
-Mention any additional degree. You can also be precise if you have a double degree or not.
-If you are a foreign applicant, mention the equivalent qualification plus the results of equivalent tests. Here are 10 Things That Happen When You Are a Graduate.
5.Hobbies and interests:
Irish employers are interested in knowing your personal traits. Hobbies and interests can determine the leisure activities you have. Avoid time consuming activities and put intellectual and active ones such as chess games, writing novels, reading, traveling etc…
6. References:
This section includes two types of references:
-It can be someone from your previous job that can testify your eligibility such as managers,; employers names.
-It can be someone from the job you are applying for, who can be among your professional network or acquaintances and who can recommend you for the current position. Take a look at; Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about your CV
Main CV writing tips
A CV includes various information that give evidence of your knowledge and expertise. Depending on the requirements of each profession, your mission is to write a professional CV attached with a cover letter. Before writing your CV focus on the following demands:
Think about the way your CV looks. The length of your CV should not overpass two pages, with a readable font. for Irish CVs, New Romans is the best font.Put the title of each section with bold letters that should not overpass the size 14. You may also read Ten Reasons Why Career Development Is Common In USA.
Since we are in 2022, choose a modern template and download it. A template gives a modern and a unique touch to your CV.
Every application requires a new CV. That is, you need to customize your CV to the target profession. never employ the same CV for more than one application, even if the professional requirements seem similar.
These were the main elements required for your CV in Ireland. follow these guidelines and put the necessary changes for a successful application.