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Difference between Hiring Manager and Recruiter

As soon as you start your job search, you hear of two professionals on and off. One is the hiring manager, and the second is a recruiter. Hiring manager term is simple as one can quickly get an idea that it’s the person who is going to hire. But then what the recruiter is doing in the whole scenario. Yes, it confuses many people, not just you or me. Therefore, It’s time to know the difference between the hiring manager and recruiter.


What are the Responsibilities of a Recruiter?

In every company, a recruiter is an expert in the recruitment field. He is the one person who is going to have everything to do with recruitment. In simple words, a recruiter is responsible for:

Knowing and assessing the future hiring needs of a company.

Creating a job description in a clear and concise manner

Providing a pool of candidate by doing research online and offline

Keeping tabs on all employment laws, rules, and regulations

Conducting a successful job interview with all candidates

Handling all sorts of Candidate databases and paperwork involved in the recruitment process


What are the Responsibilities of a Hiring Manager?


Hiring Manager is responsible for hiring an employee for the company. He works closely with the HR department and recruiter. The ultimate goal of this coordination is to find the best employee or employees for an organization.


It is pretty simple to know that a hiring manager will hire a candidate. But, the question is then what recruiter is doing for the company. Can he hire a candidate? Well, the answer is no, he can’t hire a candidate, but he can help a hiring manager in the identification and selection of a Right-Fit person for a job.


The Difference between the hiring manager and recruiter is that the former is responsible for hiring a candidate. Therefore, he is always held accountable for picking a deal-breaker for a job. However, things are not that simple. You should have to understand the bond between the hiring manager and the recruiter at first.


Like, how they collaborated?

How do they select the right person?


How Recruiter and Hiring Managers Work Together?

The ultimate goal of both professionals is to hunt the best talent for their company. Here is how hiring managers and recruiters work together.


As soon as there is a new job opening in a department, then the head of the department or team leader works as a hiring manager. He is the guy who has complete information about the education, experience, and skills required to do a specific job. Therefore, his input at every step of recruitment is vital. He teams up with the HR department and recruitment and defines every single role and duty of a person he is looking for. He doesn't only provide job descriptions but also highlights the essential skills and experience levels required to do this job in the right way.


As recruiters get an idea of what a hiring manager requires, thereby it becomes pretty simple for him to start searching for the right guy. Usually, he looks into social profiles, especially LinkedIn. But a good recruiter is one who already knows some good candidates or has a database of talented people in hand.


The next step is reviewing the cover letters and resumes. Both professionals sit together and consider every single applicant. As a hiring manager is an expert in his field, he can quickly pinpoint some candidates who got the right amount of talent for the available job.


A recruiter calls all the candidates for an interview, either walk-in, phone, or group interview. Typically, a panel interview includes the HR department, recruiter, and the hiring manager. Recruiters usually focus on behavioral interview questions as they have to check whether an applicant can be a good influence for the company or not. 


Contrary to this, a hiring manager mainly focuses on experience, skills-related questions as he wants to find a person who can do the job.


Once the interview is over, the recruiter and hiring manager sit together and start the screening process. Everyone provides his input regarding a candidate and then decides who is going to get a call for a second interview. Or who is going to the job?


Hiring Manager is responsible for hiring a candidate. However, when a recruiter has some concerns related to behavior or some other skills, he can share his insight on the matter. 


Wrap Up

The success of a company is always dependent on high-performing employees. Although the hiring manager picks the best-fit candidate for a job, he can’t perform his job well without the input and insight of a recruiter.  Proper communication and collaboration of both professionals is a must-have thing to find the best of the best employees for a company.

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